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Gelliswick VC Primary School

Ysgol Gelliswick

VC Primary School

Together we value, we hope, we give, we achieve

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Inclusion / Additional Learning Needs

Inclusion / Additional Learning Needs

If you have any concerns or queries about additional support for you child, please contact Nicola Davies (ALNCo) for further information. Meanwhile, for instant advice or answers to your questions, please access the website below.


'Every teacher is a teacher of every young person including those with Additional Learning Educational Needs and disability'.

We take our responsibility seriously to ensure we provide for all pupils’ individual learning needs.  Often this is an integral part of a teacher’s planning in ensuring the learning is relevant and pitched appropriately.  Gelliswick is already implementing the new Welsh Government Code of Practice for ALN, and the emphasis of this is on person centred planning.

If you as the parent or school feel that your child is having difficulty making expected progress with Learning skills, Communication skills, Behaviour, emotional or social skills, or Sensory/physical skills, we will provide extra resources and/or time and/or specific differentiated work and /or universal provision to aid your child’s progress. 



The Graduated Approach to ALN in Gelliswick VC School

Our graduated approach ensures that pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) get the right level of support when needed. This document outlines the levels that young people (YP) and their families may go through in this process. Not every child will need to progress through all these levels, and only those with the most complex needs require an Individual Development Plan. Most pupils will receive early interventions and will have their needs identified and met by the school without the need for further input. The school will apply an ‘assess, plan-do-review’ approach to meeting pupil’s needs.


The Code of Practice is clear that high quality inclusive teaching, differentiated for individual pupils, is the first step in responding to pupils who have, or may have, ALN. Additional interventions and support cannot compensate for a lack of good quality teaching. The school regularly and carefully reviews the quality of teaching for all pupils, including those at risk of underachievement. This includes reviewing and, where necessary, improving teachers’ understanding of strategies to identify and support vulnerable pupils and their knowledge of ALN.


The following guide is designed to support staff, parents and young people in ensuring that high quality teaching learning is in place for all pupils. As such, this high quality teaching and learning is designed to form the basis of an inclusive teaching approach for any pupil with additional learning needs, for example those with ALN , LAC and EAL. This resource is designed to outline what the school is able to offer and for parents to understand what they can reasonably expect their child to have access to. This includes a universal provision prior to any more tailored support via One Page Profile Plus, IDP – school based or   IDP – Local Authority based. This resource can be used flexibly to support staff in their practice. For example, it could form the basis of whole school or departmental training.


Universal provision  - Emerging needs

Nearly all pupils will have their needs met by teaching or support that is available to all pupils in a school. This could include extra time and support from their teacher or some other form of help planned to ensure a pupil makes expected progress with their education. The ALNCo outlines the kinds of support and help that is available at this level of need. One way to ensure that progress is made is by completing a profile of the pupil’s strengths and difficulties which also includes strategies for what will be needed for them to make progress.



Targeted support  - One Page profile (with additional learning plan if applicable)

If the needs and difficulties noted in the pupil’s profile persist, they will require a greater level of attention and support. This requires that the school produce a One Page Profile and a learning Plan for the pupil which sets out in small steps how the pupil’s needs will be met. This will include the results of assessments made of the pupil’s strengths, difficulties and progress, and identify targets and measures that should be put in place to meet these needs. This learning plan will need to be discussed with parents and then reviewed after a period of interventions (termly). If it has worked the plan can be ended. If not, the review will identify what further help is needed. The school will decide with parents how often a plan should be reviewed and what increasing levels of support needs to be applied before moving to the next level. This type of school based learning plan should not be confused with an IDP plan.



Specialised support (ALP) - School IDP 

Sometimes the identified needs of the young person (YP) may require the involvement of a group or team of practitioners/professionals. They may work in different areas such as health, education or social care. These practitioners may contribute further information and assessments and provide useful advice to support the family and school in meeting the pupil’s needs. The parents/carers and family will be a key part of this process, and young person’s response to interventions will be reviewed regularly and at least each term. If working, the school based IDP can be reduced to a ‘One Page Profile + (with learning plan)’ or removed entirely. If it is not working well a review may indicate that moving to the next stage is necessary.



Specialised support (ALP) – Local Authority IDP 

If the family of the young person believe their needs are particularly complex, and that further and greater specialist support is required to meet the young person’s ALN then the school (or sometimes another practitioner) will usually make a request for further assessments.


For more information about these changes please watch this short clip: Animation for children and young people and the ALN changes.

Pupils with Disabilities

Every effort is made to enable all pupils to play a full and active part in their time at school.  The school building has complete disabled access.  Resources for special provision are reviewed regularly to maximise the inclusion of all children.

At Gelliswick School we make every effort to remove the barriers they face because of their disability so they can access and participate in education in the same way, as far as possible, so they can reach their full potential. 

Please watch this useful animation to help you understand the new ALN system.


Animation for children and young people

Together we value, we hope, we give, we achieve